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Avalon Dreaming

Expand Your Consciousness Using Nature

I am love, I am light, this is how I roll,


Consciousness incarnate,

I am in flow.

Avalon Dreaming has been created so that I may share my revelations, insights, experiences and observations. It allows my human the space to be creative and to anchor and ground these concepts, insights and knowings into this reality. I am as we all are, able to download, connect and channel the higher self and or our multidimensional star, soul or spirit family. I will be sharing the tools and wisdom that I receive with you all. This website is raw, real and comes from the truth of my experience.

Avalon Dreaming is a vibration, and activation that will assist you in remembering and discovering the truth of who you really are.

We are ALL masters, we are ALL the ONES, we are ALL gods, we are ALL creators. For we are fragments of source, reflections of consciousness, sparks of the same light. We have the power within us to change our world, just with the power of our “minds”. First change yourself (your inner world) and the outer world/reality will reflect that change. Together we will uplift and transmute this planet, by releasing our limited beliefs and raising our own vibration.


Founder Of Avalon Dreaming

I decided to create Avalon Dreaming as a method of sharing my perceptions, perspectives, concepts and insights. On the 07/04/2018 after not eating for approximately five days, I had the most unusual and extraordinary experience of my life to date. After seeking inner council, further research and help from family, friends, books and YouTube. I have come to understand, I had an awakening, shift or huge jump in my perception. It has been the most amazing, crazy, wonderful and fantastical experience of my life to date, greatly surpassing everything else that came before.



My Experiential Truths

These are my many memes, original insights, poetry, concepts, perceptions and perspectives.


The download is normally written in one continuous flow, maybe at times it's unpolished but always from the truth of my experience. 

These are my insights and my knowings, my unique point of view.


Through the reflection and vibration they will activate the forgotten knowledge within you.


Memes for days, if it resonates share away, so we can help uplift and shift.

Video Production


Easy explanations of higher level spiritual concepts

Informative videos, original techniques, modalities, tools and insights that have been tried, tested and mastered. Simple explanations that are easy to understand and implement into your everyday life. Simple and powerful white board lessons with insightful and easy explanations of higher level spiritual concepts. Spirituality in laymen's terms, for the everyday man to understand. Great for the visual learners.


Interviews With The Other You. Coming soon.



Photo's Of My Reality - Wayne's World

Inspired by mother nature. All photo's taken with an i phone 8. No filters or touch ups, just mother nature showing off and me pretending to be a photographer.


Great pics of sun dogs or sun halos. Check out Instagram for more.

Remember your level of consciousness/awareness will govern your reality and your perception and perspective. How you choose to respond and interact in every given moment is extremely powerful. We are all sleeping gods. If you truly knew the power of your thoughts feelings and emotions but especially knew that your beliefs create. You would be a lot more conscious with your thoughts and also consciously choose beliefs that serve you.

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© 2020 by Avalon Dreaming. 

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