The new woke world is here
The revolution grows near
Where do you stand
What do you believe
Are you going to keep on
Spreading the negative narrative
Of the mass mentality
Step out for a second
Turn off the evening news
Put the phone down
Turn off the blues
Unplug yourself now
While you still can
Don’t falter in slumber
It’s your time to dance
Throw caution to the wind
Speak your truth
Walk your path
You got nothing to loose
Except your ego
He or she might get bruised
It might die a slow death
It may be quick
You’ll know when it happens
The signs are instinctual
Organic and magical
Must make time to be still
So the messages are clear
There are no coincidences
Your awakening is here
Your Awakening Is Here
Updated: Jul 21, 2021