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Writer's pictureWayne Walker

The ONE the ALL and the NONE. Consolidating Unity.

This is for all my family with love and light from… The ONE, The ALL and The NONE.

The time is now, for you to create your new world.

The self-realised ONES, understand from an experiential knowing, that there exists ONE consciousness that flows through all, through all of existence, all of creation. We are all individualised aspects of the whole. Through our humans we can experience the ALL, we are all fragments of the one mind, we are conduits for consciousness, we are all that is. We are, presence awareness, the eternal I am. The ONE, The ALL and The NONE.

We are the collective, and we operate in the flow of NOW, traversing the vibrations while riding the waves of consciousness, listening and observing, ebbing and flowing, never holding on, just ONE complete BEING.

From this awareness you operate from the universal or unified field of consciousness, you are infinite intelligence experiencing itself and you are aware of that truth… which intern allows you the freedom to traverse and or experience many levels or dimensions of creation and or existence or as some like to label it, the universal matrix.

At this stage of awareness, your abilities will start to open up to you. Things like remote viewing, telepathy, conscious manifestation, mirroring consciousness on all levels of body mind and spirit, Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one's own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy. Levitation or transvection – The ability to float or fly by mystical means. Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits and extra-dimensionals. Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events and many others abilities and perspectives become common occurrence. This is a new way of life. We are stepping out of hibernation, out of our cocoons and are collectively blossoming into butterflies, we are waking up and getting ready to fly. But first some may need to sun or dry their wings so to speak, before they can truly take flight. This is why we are here, to be of service with love and light.

Remember first we unify the duality within our love/fear ego mind. Then from a higher mind awareness, a higher perspective, we know we are the embodiment of the unified warrior and server, the masculine and feminine, the yin and yang, whilst also knowing that you are the void, the nothing, the Is-ness. First you unify duality than you unify the trinity.

Most people are familiar with the trinity concept of Body, Mind and Spirit, (your are the Spirit/Soul that has a body, in truth you have many bodies, not only human or humanoid but planetary, ocean bodies, solar and lunar bodies etc). From another perspective using a new trinity concept you are, The ONE, The ALL and The NONE. The ONE is the experiencer, it is the ONE that is aware, the ONE that consciously experiences. The ALL is everything, all that is. Ie. Plants, animals, people, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse, ET’s, ufo’s, dimensions, parallel realities, etc, basically all of creation. The NONE refers to the nothing, the is-ness, the void of creation, the unmanifest, totality, undifferentiated primal energy, universal medium, unlimited, unutilized potentiality. The true ONE/Source/Infinity/God, is the combination of all three, BODY, MIND and SPIRIT or the The ONE, The ALL and The NONE simultaneously. The trinity is who you be.

It is the unification of the trinity concepts, (which ever you choose) that catalyses the journey and brings you into the self-realised human. By balancing and truly understanding the body mind and spirit connection or The ONE, The ALL and The NONE, will you be able to truly begin to function as a clear conscious vessel. No more ups and downs. You are empty in your fullness and are paradoxically perfect in every way. You have formed your spiritual tool belt and have begun you ascension. For some of you that are reading this, you have most likely already come to this understanding throughout your journey. You are the way-shower, the light bearer, the distillers and interpreters of truth and wisdom, the conduits for consciousness, you are the self-realised BEING, never forgetting we are constantly learning and growing, evolving and expanding.

For the awakened ONES, the over-souls, the ONES who are unified conscious beings, these are the ones who do not identify with the lower self. Or even higher self, meaning they are non identified within themselves, they are not unconsciously locked or attached to any conditionings, belief structures or paradigms (be it positive or negative), and can flow freely or play between all perspectives and identities in their now with love, truth, and honesty. They realise the vastness of their being and it’s from here they can create.

It is because of your individual level of consciousness that you have been chosen and you are needed now, more than ever. Your level of consciousness and or awareness, will govern your reality, and your perspective. How you choose to respond and interact is extremely powerful. We are all sleeping gods. If you truly knew the power of your thoughts feelings and emotions but especially knew that your beliefs create. You would be a lot more conscious with your thoughts and also consciously choose beliefs that serve you, but don’t be hard on yourself it can be tricky sometimes. Don’t judge yourself, always try find the lesson or silver lining, that way you are able to transmute any scenario because if you’ve learned something how can that be a bad, negative or a horrible moment/scenario/experience or interaction. For every moment can offer growth but also joy, happiness, sadness, anger a whole plethora of thoughts, feelings and emotions, in truth it’s all neutral, it’s you that gives everything meaning and thus this will depend on your individual conditionings/veils, hence why it is so important to integrate the ego mind. So at least, you can become aware of your veils, conditionings, and limited beliefs. Only then can you begin to change them. It also serves to be aware that wherever you choose to place your focus and or attention, that scene, scenario, drama, moment will become your reality, until you decide to let it go. This too shall pass, but it’s up to you, to let it go and allow it to pass. Hence why unplugging from the tv and media can be very helpful so you are not plugging into someone else narrative, story and or reality. This is how we are controlled and conditioned.

Sometimes people think they have let things go, but they truly haven’t, as the same scenario or emotional patterns keep repeating. If something keeps repeating or someone or something constantly bothers or gets under your skin, there is still a limited belief about that person, place or scenario and you have not learned the lesson, a lot of the time, it’s about forgiveness, true forgiveness, and sometimes it might be as simple as removing yourself from the scenario, memory, person or place but keep in mind consciousness mirrors, so ultimately you are seeing yourself, learn from the reflection without judging it, for you are only judging yourself, if you can see all as you, life becomes a lot more interesting and you can learn much quicker.

Firstly you must identify (by being honest with yourself) your own veils/conditions/personality constructs/labels/limited beliefs, of your ego mind, before you can pierce the veils of the world, the illusion, the game, the dream, the simulation, etc. This is your true power, hence why your vision is needed now.

This is a pivotal moment in physical reality and “linear time” any way you look at it. On a higher level this is created by us and for us, to give our lower selves enough “time” to go within, to be still, to begin the process of creating the new world, the world we want. The old systems are crumbling, the world is purging its 3D lower self and as you can see worldwide, so are we collectively. There is a mass conscious shift taking place on the planet and the vibration is rising, we the people are awakening, there is a major paradigm shift occurring. The revolution is here, hold on for the ride, we are in the eye of the storm. Hold on, stay calm, keep love in your heart and light in your mind, try not to worry too much and we’ll ALL be fine.

We have to be conscious not to buy into the propagated fear and to allow our hearts and minds to see and feel the truth, this is done by going internal, use and allow mother nature to help guide you. Remember there are stages of awakening. To truly become a conscious multidimensional being you need to connect to the planet and anchor in, become one with Gaia. This normally occurs after you realise you are not limited by the physical body or the physical mind. Only now can the levels of Mastery begin.

We are the masters, we are the ONES, we are ALL gods, we are ALL creators. We have the power within us to change the world, just with the power of our minds. First change yourself and the world/reality will reflect that change. We are here to help humanity transcend. Together we will uplift and transmute this planet, by releasing our limited beliefs and raising our own vibration. Don’t you remember, we do this all the time, for this is one of many missions that we are taking place in right now, the universe has your back! We are the pure vibration of love and light, we are the universe, we are the multiverse, we are all of it, the alpha and omega. We are the saviours/hero’s/messiah’s we’ve been waiting for. We all have this moment right now on the planet to create a new blueprint, a new template for earth and for all of humanity.

Remember who you are, remember the forgotten memories from your concurrent incarnations, from your other lives, moments and memories from other parallel realities that all exist in the perpetual now. Connect to your STAR/SOUL/SPIRIT family, your higher dimensional selves, your counterparts existing in other parallel realities. Realise you are your higher selves. Bring (translate) that information and knowledge through you and anchor it in this here and now. It helps if you walk, talk and speak your truth for this will help anchor the knowledge and information for you and for others that may find benefit. Remember you are the embodiment of the one consciousness, you are source experiencing itself in an amazing human vessel. You are essentially “being” or being-ness in a human. Hence we are called human beings.

It is now time for you; for your avatar to step into full power, be your genuine self, be real, be honest, be vulnerable, be strong, be balanced, be of light and love, own your truth, just be. Use your mind and imagination to create the new world, the new earth, the now earth, the world, the planet that you want. The golden age is upon us, but it’s up to you to choose it, you create your reality and together through our balanced hearts and mind we will create the new world, THE GOLDEN AGE as it’s been told.

Your life has been designed by you, for you. You are the master of your world/universe, you have everything you need to accomplish your mission, follow your truth, be you, because no one else can.

All the me’s, help me, we are ONE, we are free. All the me’s, are me, I am ONE, I am free.

You are loved, hold the love and light, balance of heart and mind, your mission begins now.

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