It's an inward journey
Discovering self
Up the spiral of light
To know your worth
I no longer feel alone
I feel I belong
I am finally home
I can sing my own song
I don't feel alone
but technically I am
Because there's only one
You're your own
Number one fan
Simultaneously we are many
On this journey we roam
As fragment of consciousness
When together we're home
We are multidimensional beings
Don't get stuck in a trap
Of your own beliefs and stories and crap
Remember you're consciousness
Experiencing forever expanding
You're not just the human and mind
You're god damn everything
You can experience all
Or whatever you want
Because you are God
Awaken Right Now
When you discover you
There's not much to do
But listen and observe
From here the magic will ensue
It's an inward journey
Discovering self
Up the spiral of light
To know your worth
I no longer feel alone
I feel I belong
I am finally home
I can sing my own song
I walk my truth
I respond with Knowing
I see all as one
I observe my reality