I feel no judgement from you
You just let me be me
You listen and observe
You set me free
Thank you my friend
This is the connection I need
When I look in your eyes
We see the same dream
That connection is rare
The masters awake
Together we share
There’s a lot to create
Some people get it
Others do not
Thats not our concern
Problems we solve
So much comes
From doing nothing
It’s actually easy
We just need some adjusting
Choose your words wisely
It carries a vibration
The pause helps everything
It can cause an illumination
Less is more, Clarity galore
trying to explain to some
It’s a paradox, a conundrum
It becomes so humdrum
Which perspective
Should we operate
No more objective
No agendas or stories
To keep you subjected
So Just breathe, pause and meditate
While you ascend and elevate
New programs installed
A new way to operate
Update is completed
Lovingly affected
Gratitude, compassion, love
You’re now always connected.
finished at 3:33pm