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Writer's pictureWayne Walker

Conscious Communicating Connecting and Communicating on multiple levels.

Communicating on the physical, mental and astral realms.

In a linear world you need to make time for yourself to be alone without disruptions, to chill, to relax, to unwind. Meditation is a great way to create space and peace within yourself. I myself have never been an avid meditator, I find just sitting and being in nature very therapeutic and relaxing as I’m sure most people would agree. After my awakening the nature connection went next level so to speak. For me, this is when nature came forward to assist and guide. For most of us, nature is a great starting point especially if you don’t meditate. We all innately have a connection to nature because ultimately we are nature. It’s with this philosophy and knowing and belief of oneness with nature that causes the connection to happen and it is the body, mind and spirit balance that allows this to take place and continue. Nature also allows you to be awake, with your senses activated and the elements guiding you, and because of this awake relaxed state which is similar to the daydream state. It helps you anchor and ground the knowings more consciously and helps with anchoring the energy and realisations within the body and mind complex of the human. We want to be in a meditative state whilst we are awake and living our everyday lives. More on this later. What happens when two conscious people come together and interact? Firstly the one that is more aware will naturally notice more of their surroundings and interactions. They will notice the layers and the depth of their existence, within their “now” experience.

The awareness level of each individual will govern their perception of their reality and to an extent will effect the reality that the majority of their awareness is in. So in this case, earth and having a conversation, because as humans we reside here on planet earth, most of our attention gets focused in our physical world and we identify with being human, hence we are called human beings.

When your are a conscious being living on the 5th dimension, from higher mind and or a higher awareness. When you “choose” to be the experiencer, you understand thought creates. You quickly learn, how to read your reality. We are multidimensional beings, we can consciously be aware of a lot simultaneously, this just happens naturally, as you become more still, you see more. So wherever most of your awareness is, that is what becomes real or manifests. It’s in this way that we travel. More on that later.

But for most of us, it is being human and having a human experience. This will also change. Eventually you will become fully self realised in that you will know that you are consciousness incarnate nothing more nothing less. You are the spirit that resides in a human shell, vessel or vehicle or more accurately you are spirit or awareness that has a body. When communicating. The frequency vibration will fluctuate as the conversation occurs, each mirroring each other as each person takes their turn to speak and respond. The thoughts feelings and emotions will arise to pass, just observe. Let the witnesser or higher mind observe. When doing so the person listening should breathe and keep a clear mind in order to help hold the spaciousness, hold the higher vibration by listening and observing, as the observer/witness/higher mind. Then they swap. Both people listening and observing then responding. This is the beginning, the first steps of conscious communicating between humans. Operating from the knowing, the now! Both operating from higher mind the one mind. From the 5th dimension perspective, When you are awake...When you are conscious and aware, you are aware that your internal state, ie your thoughts and feelings are reflected or directly create in your physical reality in little or big ways. What you perceive will depend on your level of consciousness/awareness or from what dimension your consciousness resides in, at that given moment.

By this stage of your journey and if you are reading this, I would assume you spend a lot of time in the observation state, not much thinking is done here, because there is not much doing being done and on some level you already know. You have all the answers, we all just block our own growth by all our limiting conditionings, concepts and labels. When you’re observing you can then choose to respond if necessary, most of the time you will find that after listening and observing the need to respond will dissolve.

It’s only as the experiencer, the seperate self, lower mind, ego mind, physical mind, (different words same meaning) really comes alive. It’s in this state when you mostly identify with being a human. It’s easy for your awareness to contract back down into your human. This is not necessarily a bad thing if you don’t identify with the thoughts feeling and emotions that arise but if you do, there is still dense physical mind or ego mind identification. So it is imperative to have your ego/lower mind empty and resolved of all issues. It’s important because your physical reality is a projection and refection of your inner being/workings/mental and emotional state. So if you are a clear being you can just be… and this is when you will start to see and notice more. This is when your world truly begins to open. Your are stepping into higher mind a higher awareness a broader perspective.

Later on we will work with bringing your being into your doing. Your being-ness into your day to day activities. Your everyday life. This is a real integrating of a new operating system. A way to operate from a higher perspective a higher awareness. You’re higher mind, the witness, the observer.

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